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Courses to Take — Course Guidelines for College Admission

The following guidelines are designed to help students, parents, teachers, counselors and college officials determine what high school courses meet the State Regents' requirements for college admission, the eligibility requirements for Oklahoma's Promise and the requirements for the college preparatory/work-ready curriculum for Oklahoma high school graduation.

To meet approval, all courses must meet the following requirements:

  • All courses must fit into one of the State Regents' categories for college admission: English, laboratory science, mathematics or history/citizenship skills; or be one of the following: foreign language, computer science/computer technology, psychology, sociology, Advanced Placement (AP), or most courses taken through concurrent enrollment. All additional units must fit one of these categories.
  • Students participating in Oklahoma's Promise must complete the required courses for college admission. Students with a disability or on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may participate in Oklahoma's Promise. However, to qualify for the scholarship, the core courses completed by the student must have the same academic content and be of the same academic rigor as the regular college preparatory core courses offered by the high school in the same academic subject. It is important to note that courses titled "Concepts" or "Essentials" exclude students from eligibility for Oklahoma's Promise and do not count toward curricular requirements for college admission.
  • All courses must meet the Oklahoma Academic Standards, if standards have been developed for that course. Oklahoma Academic Standards can be found on the Oklahoma State Department of Education website at
  • One-year courses taught over a two-year period will count as only one unit (for example, Algebra IA and Algebra IB).
  • A course taken in the 8th grade may count only if it is a high school level course (for example, Algebra I).
  • High school courses not listed as approved may be submitted for consideration by the high school principal. Requests may be submitted by contacting Ms. Angel Icenhour at
  • A limited number of career technology center courses may be included in the course listing. For course consideration, career technology centers and high school faculty/staff must submit the request to the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (ODCTE). The request must be submitted to Julie Childers, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, 1500 W. 7th Ave., Stillwater, OK 74074 or email Career Tech courses submitted by high schools or other staff to State Regents' staff will not be reviewed.
  • Concurrent enrollment courses may be used to satisfy the high school curricular requirements for college admission, Oklahoma's Promise and the college preparatory/work ready curriculum if the courses fit within one of the core subject areas and are approved for that purpose by the student's school district. The student should check with the school counselor to verify how the school district counts college credit toward high school graduation requirements.

Laboratory Science
History and Citizenship Skills
Foreign/Non-English Language
Computer Science/Computer Technology



Four units are required. All English courses must include an integrated writing component, demonstrate critical thinking skills and fit into one of the categories of grammar, composition or literature. The following are acceptable courses for the English requirement:

English/Language Arts I (grade 9) Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
English/Language Arts II (grade 10) Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
English/Language Arts III (grade 11) Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
English/Language Arts IV (grade 12) Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
AP English Language and Composition Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP English Literature and Composition Must be taught to AP course standards.
American Literature Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Classical Literature Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
English Literature Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Introduction to Literature Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Shakespeare Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
World Literature Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.



Laboratory Science

Three units are required. All science courses must include a laboratory component and be taught at or above the rigor of Biology I. The following are some of the acceptable courses for the laboratory science requirement:

Biology I Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Chemistry Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Physics Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Physical Science Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
AP Biology Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Chemistry Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Environmental Science Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Physics (B or C) Must be taught to AP course standards.
Biology I taught in a
contextual methodology
Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Biology II As with all science courses, these courses must include a laboratory component and be taught at or above the rigor of Biology I.
Earth Science As with all science courses, these courses must include a laboratory component and be taught at or above the rigor of Biology I.
Environmental Science As with all science courses, these courses must include a laboratory component and be taught at or above the rigor of Biology I.
Anatomy and Physiology As with all science courses, these courses must include a laboratory component and be taught at or above the rigor of Biology I.
Career Technology Center Course(s)

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology courses taught within the following health career certifications at career technology centers may count for one unit if the outlined requirements are met. A second year of a course will not count as a second unit of lab science or as an "additional" unit for the requirement:
  • Health Science Technology - Grades 11 or 12
  • Health Careers Certification - Grades 11 or 12 (Level II Anatomy and Physiology or Level III Anatomy and Physiology)
  • Dental Assisting - Grades 11 or 12
  • Medical Assisting - Grades 11 or 12
  • Practical Nursing - Grade 12

The course must also meet four conditions to count for college admission and Oklahoma's Promise: 1) be taught by a teacher certified to teach secondary biological sciences; 2) be taken by the student in the 11th or 12th grade; 3) be approved for credit by the local boards of education for both the school district and the technology center; 4) and be certified by the local school district as a lab science.


The following are acceptable courses for the lab science requirement and must be offered as part of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum and meet the PLTW course requirements:

  • Aerospace Engineering - 8715
  • Environmental Sustainability - 8854
Biomedical Science

The following are acceptable courses for the lab science requirement and must be offered as part of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum and meet the PLTW course requirements:

  • Biomedical Innovation - 8719
  • Human Body Systems - 8707
  • Medical Interventions - 8708
  • Principles of the Biomedical Sciences - 8706
Biotechnology II - 8703

Only the second semester of the Biotechnology sequence can meet the requirement.

Advanced Biotechnology II - 8717

Only the second semester of the Advanced Biotechnology sequence can meet the requirement.

Crime Scene Investigation - 8720

No additional requirements





Three units are required. All math courses must be taught at or above the rigor of Algebra I. Algebra courses taught over two years (i.e. Algebra IA and Algebra IB) will count as only one unit of mathematics. The following are acceptable courses for the mathematics requirement:

Algebra I Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Geometry Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Algebra II Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
AP Precalculus Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Calculus (AB or BC) Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Statistics Must be taught to AP course standards.
Algebra I taught in a
contextual methodology
Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards for Algebra I.
Geometry taught in a
contextual methodology
Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards for Geometry.
Algebra III Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.
Calculus Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.
Math Analysis Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.
Statistics and Probability Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.
Precalculus Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.
Trigonometry Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.
Career Technology Center Course(s)
Digital Electronics - 8711 Must have completed Geometry and Algebra II.

The course must be offered as part of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum and meet the PLTW course requirements.




History/Citizenship Skills

Three units are required. The College Preparatory/Work Ready Curriculum does require one unit of U.S. history, one-half unit of Oklahoma history, and one-half unit of U.S. government to be included in the history/citizenship skills three-unit requirement. All students must have one unit of U.S. history. Courses must be from one of the following categories: history, economics, geography, government, civics or non-Western culture. Courses in non-Western culture should teach students about a culture other than their own. The majority of the content of a course must match one of these categories. The following are acceptable courses for the history/citizenship skills requirement:

U.S. History Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
World History Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Oklahoma History Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
U.S. Government Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Economics Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
World Geography Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
AP Economics (Macro or Micro) Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP European History Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Government and Politics
(Comparative or U.S.)
Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP Human Geography Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP U.S. History Must be taught to AP course standards.
AP World History Must be taught to AP course standards.
African American History Courses in non-Western culture, Native American studies or African American studies should provide students with an in-depth view of the subject.
Asian History Courses in non-Western culture, Native American studies or African American studies should provide students with an in-depth view of the subject.
European History Courses in non-Western culture, Native American studies or African American studies should provide students with an in-depth view of the subject.
Native American History Courses in non-Western culture, Native American studies or African American studies should provide students with an in-depth view of the subject.
Political Science Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards for U.S. Government.
Civics Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards for U.S. Government.



Foreign/Non-English Language

Foreign/non-English language courses may be used as additional units for college admission.

Any modern language course Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
American Sign Language Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Any Native American language course Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Greek Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Latin Must be taught to Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Any AP language course Must be taught to AP course standards.



Computer Science/Computer Technology

College Admission
Computer science or computer technology courses may be used as additional units for college admission. Courses in computer science/computer technology must teach one or more of the following concepts: programming, hardware, business computer applications (such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets and graphics), and/or aviation courses. Additionally, courses in this area offered at high schools must meet the Instructional Technology Oklahoma Academic Standards at the Advanced Level. Courses that simply use the computer as a tool do not qualify. Not all courses with "technology" or "business" in the title qualify.

Career Technology Courses
The following career technology courses are acceptable for the computer science/computer technology requirement and meet the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education's official course description including 120 contact hours:

8208 - 3D Animation - 1 unit
8184 - Active Directory Infrastructure - 1 unit
8104 - Administrative Technologies II - 1 unit
8219 - Advanced Computer Applications for the Law Office - 1 unit
8259 - Advanced Database Concepts Using Access - 1 unit
8155 - Advanced Design Techniques - 1 unit
8149 - Advanced Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design - 1 unit
8156 - Advanced Digital Animation - 1 unit
8882 - Advanced Mechanical Design Engineering - 1 unit
8160 - Advanced Programming - 1 unit
8866 - Advanced Robotics Engineering - 1 unit
8162 - Advanced Scripting Languages - 1 unit
8258 - Advanced Spreadsheet Applications - 1 unit
8902 - Advanced Web and Animation Design - 1 unit
2535 - AP Computer Science A - 1 unit
2536 - AP Computer Science Principles - 1 unit
8886 - Applied Science of Aircraft Maintenance - 1 unit
8903 - Architectural Computer Aided Drafting and Design - 1 unit
8880 - Architectural Design - 1 unit
8261 - Artificial Intelligence - 1 unit
8875 - Aviation II - 1 unit
8876 - Aviation III - 1 unit
8887 - Basic Electricity - 1 unit
8703 - Biotechnology II - 1 unit
8101 - Business and Computer Technology - ½ unit
8165 - C++ Programming - 1 unit
8166 - C# Programming - 1 unit
8136 - Computer Repair and Troubleshooting I - 1 unit

8137 - Computer Repair and Troubleshooting II - 1 unit
8867 - Computer Science Discoveries - 1 unit
8852 - Computer Science Essentials -1 unit
8860 - Computer Science Principles -1 unit
8109 - Computerized Accounting - 1 unit
8134 - Cyber Forensics - ½ unit
8256 - Cybersecurity Basics - 1 unit
8142 - Database Administration - 1 unit
8140 - Database Design and Programming - 1 unit
8154 - Design Tools and Electronic Marketing Strategies - 1 unit
8149 - Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design - 1 unit
8151 - Digital Editing and Production Photography - 1 unit
8191 - Digital Media Production - 1 unit
8888 - Drone Applications - 1 unit
8260 - Drone Technology - 1 unit
8904 - Engineering Computer Aided Drafting and Design - 1 unit
8878 - Engineering Essentials - 1 Unit
8132 - Enterprise Security Management - ½ unit
8207 - Fundamentals of 3D Motion Graphics
8103 - Fundamentals of Administrative Technologies - 1 unit
8905 - Fundamentals of Computer Aided Drafting and Design - 1 unit
8139 - Fundamentals of Database Development - 1 unit
8124 - Fundamentals of Linux/UNIX - 1 unit
8169 - Fundamentals of Technology - 1 unit
8153 - Fundamentals of Web Design - 1 unit
8228 - Fundamentals of Video Game Design - 1 unit
8245 - Gaming Development Fundamentals
8873 - Google Tools - 1 unit
8255 - Internet of Things Fundamentals - 1 unit
8225 - Introduction to Programming - 1 unit
8252 - IT Essentials - 1 unit
8230 - JAVA Programming - 1 unit
8906 - Manufacturing Computer Aided Drafting and Design - 1 unit
8879 - Mechanical Design Engineering - 1 unit
8150 - Multimedia and Image Management Techniques - 1 unit
8121 - Network/Client Operating Systems - 1 unit
8123 - Network Management - 1 unit
8131 - Network Security - ½ unit
8223 - Network Security Awareness - 1 unit
8105 - Office Administration and Management - 1 unit
8182 - Operating System/Command Line - 1 unit
8130 - Principles of Information Assurance - ½ unit
8222 - Programming Fundamentals - 1 unit
8871 - Python - 1 unit
8186 - Regulatory Compliance & Auditing - 1 unit
8833 - Robotics Engineering - 1 unit
8125 - Routing and Switching I - 1 unit
8126 - Routing and Switching II - 1 unit
8159 - Scripting Language Fundamentals - 1 unit
8133 - Secure Electronic Commerce - ½ unit
8246 - Security Fundamentals - 1 unit
8185 - Server Infrastructure Design - 1 unit
8122 - Server Operating Systems - 1 unit
8163 - Software Configuration Management - 1 unit
8870 - Space Engineering Concepts - 1 unit
8141 - SQL and PL/SQL Database Applications Development - 1 unit
8161 - Systems Analysis, Design and Testing - 1 unit
8881 - Virtual Reality Coding - 1 unit
8167 - Visual Basic .NET Programming - 1 unit
8218 - Web Application Development - 1 unit
8157 - Web Scripting Foundations - 1 unit
8250 - Windows Operating System Fundamentals - 1 unit
8244 - Windows Server Administration Fundamentals - 1 unit

The following are acceptable courses for the computer science/computer technology requirement and must be offered as part of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum and meet the PLTW course requirements:

8713 - PLTW Civil Engineering and Architecture - 1 unit
8712 - PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing - 1 unit
8861 - PLTW Cybersecurity - 1 unit
8709 - PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design - 1 unit
8710 - PLTW Principles of Engineering - 1 unit


For more information on Oklahoma public college and university admission standards, email Ms. Angel Icenhour at or call the Student Information Hotline at (800) 858-1840.


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    From outside the U.S., please call +1 (424) 750-3900


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