Sort Out Your Values
What is most important to you in life? Do you really know? This
simple exercise can help you discover your priorities.
Pick up a packet of 3 x 5 cards. For several days, write down
everything in the entire world that you think you may want -- nice
car, family with three children, a graduate degree, a trip to the
islands, a home in the 'burbs, a second home in the mountains,
excellent health and fitness, early retirement, a life filled with
peace and serenity, a huge diamond ring. That's it - be as
extravagant as you like.
Write down every single thing that comes to mind, one item on
each card. Then, each day, go through the cards, keeping the ones
that continue to grab you and say, "Yes, this is really what I want
in my life!" Put aside those cards that seem to grow less important
over time.
Continue this process every day, until you whittle your pile
down to about five cards. Most likely for this time of your life,
those are your most important values.
Will these values change over time? Of course, people
Repeat this exercise often to keep yourself focused on what is
important to you. This will help you determine exactly how you want
to spend your valuable resources of time, money and energy on a
daily basis. Soon you will find that you are able to make decisions
and choices that get you what you want...because you now know what
you want most!
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