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Water Resource Specialist

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Bachelor's degree or higher +

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What They Do

Water Resource Specialists Career Video

About This Career

Designs or implements programs and strategies related to water resource issues such as supply, quality, and regulatory compliance issues.

This career is part of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources cluster Natural Resource Systems pathway.

A person in this career:

  • Performs hydrologic, hydraulic, or water quality modeling.
  • Analyzes storm water systems to identify opportunities for water resource improvements.
  • Conducts, or oversees the conduct of, investigations on matters such as water storage, wastewater discharge, pollutants, permits, or other compliance and regulatory issues.
  • Develops strategies for watershed operations to meet water supply and conservation goals or to ensure regulatory compliance with clean water laws or regulations.
  • Reviews or evaluates designs for water detention facilities, storm drains, flood control facilities, or other hydraulic structures.
  • Conducts technical studies for water resources on topics such as pollutants and water treatment options.
  • Presents water resource proposals to government, public interest groups, or community groups.
  • Develops plans to protect watershed health or rehabilitate watersheds.
  • Conducts cost-benefit studies for watershed improvement projects or water management alternatives.
  • Writes proposals, project reports, informational brochures, or other documents on wastewater purification, water supply and demand, or other water resource subjects.

Working Conditions and Physical Demands

People who do this job report that:

  • You would sit most of the time. There's some walking and standing. You may have to lift and carry things like books, papers or tools weighing 10 lbs. or less.
  • Work in this occupation requires being inside most of the time
  • Work in this occupation involves sitting more than one-third of the time

Working in this career involves (physical activities):

  • Seeing clearly at a distance
  • Seeing clearly up close
  • Speaking clearly enough to be able to be understood by others
  • Identifying and understanding the speech of another person

Work Hours and Travel

  • Regular working hours and limited travel

Specialty and Similar Careers

Careers that are more detailed or close to this career:

  • Water Resources Planner


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