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Successful Study Techniques


Many students hate to admit it, but tests and exams are a big part of school life. That's why using successful study techniques is key to surviving and doing well in high school and college.

The problem is that many students do not know what these techniques are. Some resort to cheating and cramming -- sneaky ways of getting good grades with potentially devastating consequences.

Yet there is hope for those who are clueless about studying and even those who are looking for better grades. Almost all schools have guidance counselors and learning centers students can visit to get advice on preparing for any exam.

Websites and books also offer great advice, like using rhymes to memorize chemistry formulas. Whether the tips come from advisors, online articles or old-fashioned books, they all promote one message: successful studying is about being organized and motivated.

In this article, we will look at what experts agree are some basic steps to successful studying. The first two steps are all about good planning -- finding out what type of information will be asked on the exam and setting aside time to learn that information.

The final steps are about getting down to the dirty work -- actually studying and getting excited about it. Following these steps will make preparing for tests less stressful.

By the time you have finished reading this article, you should be able to:

  • Define and apply the four rules for successful studying
  • Describe the best study environment
  • Explain how to study actively
  • Discuss the importance of using proper study techniques
  • Use the included resources to get additional information on successful study techniques

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