If all the world's a stage, then someone has to be responsible for doing
the scene changes, lighting and sound, right? Technical theater programs train
students for this kind of behind-the-scenes work.
There's no shortage of schools offering the training needed to work in
theater. You'll learn to pull the curtains, dim the lights and turn an
otherwise empty stage into a fantasy world for actors, dancers and musicians.
Technical theater programs are offered as bachelor's degrees or as one-
or two-year programs at community colleges.
Lee Livingstone is the professor in charge of a university technical theater
program. She says the community college courses focus mainly on the technical
side of things. "The community colleges offer courses that teach the nuts
and bolts," she says. A four-year degree includes more academic courses, such
as English and history.
Livingstone says students in her program get to work on roughly 24 shows
each year, six of which are done in a modern, state-of-the-art theater.
"We do work in both the new theater and in older ones to give students experience
in both," she says.
Being good with your hands is important, according to Jim Lartin-Drake.
He is a professor, designer and technical director in the theater program
at Pennsylvania's Dickinson College.
"If I were advising students preparing to work in technical theater, I'd
say, do backstage work if you have the opportunity, but barring that, build
or make anything that interests you," he says.
"But do it from scratch using raw materials and plans rather than pre-fab
kits. Get familiar with the use of basic woodworking tools and techniques
however you can."
Lartin-Drake recommends taking shop in high school. "Learn to weld.
Learn to solder. Learn to sew," he says. "Learn anything that you can
about how things are made, what holds them together and how they work."
But don't neglect your artistic side. Lartin-Drake also recommends attending
the theater, visiting museums and taking art classes. "Go to the movies for
entertainment, but don't mistake them for theater," he says.
"Learn basic math, particularly geometry. Study science, especially
physical sciences," he says.
"Learn about the physical properties of things you take for granted. Learn
about electricity -- what it is, how it's made, how it gets to you from where
it's made, how it makes things work, and how it can kill you or set fire to
your stuff if you're not careful with it."
Occupational Outlook Handbook
For more information related to this field of study, see: Designers
The Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA)
Dedicated to building the business of show business
A Brief Guide to Internet Resources in Theater and Performance Studies
Includes publications, organizations and databases
Glossary of Technical Theater Terms
It's like learning a new language