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Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching

Program Description

Just the Facts

Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching. A program that prepares individuals to teach adult students in various settings, including basic and remedial education programs, continuing education programs, and programs designed to develop or upgrade specific employment-related knowledge and skills.

This program is available in these options:

  • Certificate / Diploma
  • Associate degree
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master's degree
  • Doctoral degree

High School Courses

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Additional Information

One of the best things about an adult education degree is the flexibility it offers. The program can train you to teach in a lot of different places, from high schools to correctional facilities.

And there are many paths that may lead to a career in adult education. A degree in adult education is available at both undergraduate and graduate levels in the U.S.

Entrance requirements vary. James Witte is a coordinator of adult education programs at Auburn University. He suggests students develop a broad academic background while in high school -- especially in areas that require a lot of reading and thinking.

"Any coursework that demonstrates the...ability to speak, to write and to think are pluses," he says.

Grades matter, too. The higher your grades, the better your chances of getting into a program. "We look for high SAT or ACT scores as well as a high grade-point average," says Witte.

"Beyond that, individual motivation, the willingness to learn, maturity and the ability to work with people are desired qualities."

Students in adult education typically take courses on the nature of adult education, adult program development and evaluation and teaching methods, says Witte.

You can also become an adult educator if you have some vocational experience. So if you know a trade well, you could teach it to other adults.

Practical experience has often been the only requirement for teachers of adult vocational-technical courses. But Witte says this is changing. "I think what we're seeing now is a rise in educational requirements. In order to teach plumbers, it is no longer sufficient to be a good plumber. You also have to be a good teacher," he says.

There are few additional expenses in adult education programs other than assigned readings and occasional textbooks.


Occupational Outlook Handbook
For more information related to this field of study, see: Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors

Education World
A place to go for lesson plans, educational links and other resources

Grad Schools.com -- Adult and Continuing Education
A list of master's programs worldwide

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