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Geothermal Production Manager

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Bachelor's degree or higher +

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What To Learn

High School

What high school courses should you take if you're interested in this career? Get your answers from the Business Management and Administration cluster Operations Management pathway.

Education Level

Education training and experience are required at different levels for success in different occupations.

Bachelor's degree or higher, plus work experience

Employers typically require or prefer that industrial production managers have a bachelor’s degree. However, some workers qualify for jobs if they have a high school diploma and extensive production experience. Industrial production managers usually need years of work experience in supervisory or other leadership positions.

Extra Requirements

Although they are not required to do so, industrial production managers may earn certifications to demonstrate competency in quality or management systems. The American Society of Quality (ASQ) offers credentials in quality control and various levels of Six Sigma certifications. Because these credentials often require specific work experience, they typically are not available prior to entering the occupation.

For additional information, visit these websites:


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