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Institution or Cafeteria Cook

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No standard requirement

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Skills Needed

Basic Skills

The following skills are important for this career:

These skills are necessary but not as important:

Tell me more about Basic Skills ...

What are your basic skills?

Take the basic skills to find out.

Start the Basic Skills Survey Aptitude Graphic

Transferable Skills

Here's a list of skills used in this career that are also used in other careers.

Medium level of skill required

  • Measuring ingredients for recipes
  • Preparing food for customers
  • Providing lodging or meal facilities
  • Using food and drink preparation equipment

Tell me more about Transferable Skills ...

What are your transferable skills?

Take the transferable skills to find out.

Start the Transferable Skills Checklist Aptitude Graphic

Workplace Skills

Workplace skills are practiced activities that help people become successful in all kinds of careers. Here's a list of the workplace skills that are used in this career.

High level of skill required

Medium level of skill required

Tell me more about Workplace Skills ...

Improve Your Skills

Skills are wonderful because you can always improve them! All it takes is a little hard work and motivation.

So if you see that a career requires more skill than you currently have, don't worry – it's always possible to learn more skills.

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OCAP believes that financial literacy and understanding the financial aid process are critical aspects of college planning and student success. OCAP staff who work with students, parents, educators and community partners in the areas of personal finance education, state and federal financial aid, and student loan management do not provide financial, investment, legal, and/or tax advice. This website and all information provided is for general educational purposes only, and is not intended to be construed as financial, investment, legal, and/or tax advice.