Additional Information
There are many colleges or universities in the U.S. that offer courses
and degrees in sports turf management. The duration and curriculum of the
course varies, depending on the program offered and the educational institution.
You will need training in horticulture, agronomy, the principles of irrigation,
drainage, insects and pesticide usage, design and ecology. Business management,
personnel management and communication skills are also important.
Courses in sports turf management are offered by institutes, colleges and
universities. They consist of non-degree courses, workshops, certificate programs
and degrees.
The degree courses usually include the study of soil science, horticulture
and business management, and can be obtained over a two- to four-year period,
on a full-time or part-time basis.
Practical experience sometimes is included in the study curriculum, and
this will include working as part of a crew for a sports facility or golf