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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

You are a translator working on a set of business documents that need to be translated from English to Russian.

You've come across the words "health club" and you don't know of an equivalent in Russian. You're afraid if you translate this literally, your Russian readers will think you're talking about some kind of hospital.

"Most cultures I know have the concept of 'health' as opposed to 'illness,' and most cultures probably have some idea of a 'gathering place' where people might congregate for a specific common purpose," says Paul Malone. He is an assistant university professor in Germanic and Slavic studies and literatures.

"However, not all cultures necessarily understand the idea of health in the western sense of 'fitness,' nor might it be clear to members of some cultures why you might want or need to pursue fitness in a large group at specific times."

You're going to have to explain the concept, but without using too many words.

Pretend you're writing in Russian. Try to explain the concept of "health club" in less than 20 words.


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