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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication

Astronauts spend a great deal of their time spreading the word about their work. Some appear before Congress or other government bodies to lobby for continued space program funding. Others give motivational speeches to private citizens. Still others spend a great deal of their time talking to school children.

Today you are due to appear before a group of third graders, all of whom swear they want to be astronauts. What will you tell them to make them understand the importance and difficulty of your job, while at the same time helping to keep their dreams alive?

Remember to discuss the realistic side of the work an astronaut does while also firing up their imaginations. Try to come up with a speech in 400 words or less.

Here are the facts you want to include in your talk:

  • You have a PhD in physics and work full time for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
  • A very small percentage of your time is actually spent flying missions in space -- the rest of the time you conduct research, simulate flights and prepare for your missions.
  • You have to stay physically fit and study constantly.
  • It's very important that you know how all the computer systems on the spacecraft work -- if they ever break in mid-mission, you have to know how to fix them.

Write your speech now.


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