Scrapbook Maker
Insider Info
Have you ever really considered the importance of memories? Memories are
forever -- especially if they are recorded somewhere other than just in your
The best and most fun way of doing this lies in the art of scrapbook making.
By making a scrapbook that will stand the test of time, your memories can
be passed down from generation to generation. In a way, it's like being able
to live forever.
Scrapbook making is a hobby most people do at home, though in some areas
there may be scrapbook-making clubs with facilities available. Either way,
probably the biggest task involved in scrapbooking is getting started.
You may have mountains of old photos you want to organize into a wonderful
scrapbook. It's best if you can devote a room to the project where nothing
will get disturbed.
You will need a few boxes so you can separate photos into years, if that's
the way you want to organize your scrapbook. Some people like to organize
their scrapbooks in order of events instead of years. This is just one of
the decisions you'll have to make at the beginning.
It's impossible to know how many people are involved in modern-day scrapbooking,
but judging from how many Web sites, supply shops and magazines there are
devoted to the subject, it's obvious that this is a very popular hobby.
While it would be easy to slap together a scrapbook simply by buying a
few photo albums, the trend in scrapbook making is one of overall quality.
The reason for this is simple. A carefully crafted scrapbook put together
with care and quality materials will last for generations. One that isn't,
won't -- which sort of defeats the purpose of even having one.
With photo quality getting better all the time, it's getting easier to
make scrapbooks that will last. People involved in scrapbook-related businesses
say the hobby is growing in popularity.
When it comes to cost and materials, you can spend a little or you can
spend a lot. It is possible to put together a good quality scrapbook on a
budget. A lot really depends on the size of your project and how elaborate
you want to make it.
You could probably make a good quality scrapbook, albeit a small one, for
less the $20. Materials used in scrapbook making include: paper, binders,
circle cutters, scissors, glue, pens, punches, rulers, templates, stickers,
stamps and stamp ink.
A word here about photo albums: if you've been keeping pictures in magnetic
albums, get them out! They will actually deteriorate your photos in time.
Once you have your supplies, then it's time to think about a layout.
The most important skills required in scrapbook making are creativity and
patience. You have to take your time and put a lot of thought into it, especially
in the planning stages.
It's important to think ahead to the finished product. That way you won't
end up buying materials you don't need or use. You'll also want to take your
time choosing just the right layout for your project, and how you'll enhance
it to make it your own.
One good thing about scrapbooking is that it's not physically demanding.
Just about anyone, young or old, can make beautiful, lasting scrapbooks.
However, it does involve a fair bit of manual dexterity. You have to work
with your hands. Physically challenged people can still take part in this
hobby, but sometimes a little help from a friend may be necessary.
For people who want to take their scrapbook-making skills a little further,
the employment picture is rosy, and there is plenty of money to be made.
There are several ways to do this: you can work for a supply shop or open
your own scrapbooking business. If you're really good, you can become a consultant
or just work from your home making scrapbooks for friends.
This is just one of dozens of possible layouts you can use in your
scrapbooks. |
Courtesy of: Denise Osborne |
You may even want to start your own scrapbooking club, charging members
a yearly fee. Also, don't overlook the Internet as a place to do business.
There are already dozens of Internet scrapbook businesses. Scrapbooking is
a craft, and craft and hobby shops are big business.
Getting Started
All it takes to get started is making your mind up to do it. Once you've
done that, you're ready to do a little research -- and shopping. Go to scrapbook
supply shops, or if there aren't any in your area, try a craft and hobby shop.
These places will give you a feel for what you want to create, and how
much it will cost you. Also, the people who work in these places will be able
to give you good advice.
One thing you may want to keep in mind is that scrapbook shops and craft
stores may not be the most inexpensive place to shop for your materials. Many
of the materials you'll need can be bought in places like Wal-Mart. Shop around
for the best prices.
If you've decided to get on with the project and you're looking for advice,
the Internet is an amazing source of information. In fact, it's so amazing
it can easily be overwhelming.
There are dozens of sites devoted to scrapbooking, and they all have advice
to give. Some of it may be conflicting and leave you wondering which way to
If that happens, you may want to take part in the discussion groups some
of these sites offer. Inside those groups lurk plenty of people who want to
get started just like you do.
A great site for scrapbooking advice
Scrapbook Addict Home Page
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