Music Mixing
Insider Info
You're at a party. You can feel the bass vibrating your insides. People
are dancing. And the DJ spinning the vinyl is adding a little of his or her
own style and soul to the mix.
Maybe you're watching the DJ curiously: hands moving across mixers,
sliding buttons, fingers flying across vinyl, headphones on. Maybe you're
wondering what it takes. If music moves in you, if it's in your body
and your soul, you might want to give music mixing a try.
Music mixers have to be sure they're using their talent to create
a fun atmosphere for the crowd. |
Courtesy of: Tobias |
The terms DJing and music mixing are pretty much interchangeable. That's
according to a DJ and producer known simply as Tobias. And he says DJing is
the preferred term when you talk about the type of DJ who manipulates vinyl
on at least two turntables.
DJs can be found wherever people gather for fun: nightclubs, special house
parties, raves and school dances. Four walls aren't necessary, though.
"I have done several gigs in southern Washington and Vancouver Island, out
in the woods, spinning for just a few hundred people," says Tobias.
And it isn't even required that you leave your house. With the music
and proper playing equipment, you can start at home.
"You need two turntables with pitch control and a mixer that can fade between
the two turntables. You can also use CD players with pitch control and instant
start," says Morgan. Morgan is a DJ.
At minimum, you need to know how to beat match. That's "matching the
tempo of one record or CD to another by using the pitch control to slow down
or speed up the new song until it matches the playing song," explains Morgan.
If you played an instrument or are a good dancer, you might have an edge.
The reason is the beat -- dancers and musicians train their ears over years
of practice, explains Dee Hanscom. He was in a band for 20 years. Tobias played
violin for seven.
Understanding beats is a simple task for some. But others might have to
work harder for it. "It seems very difficult for some people. If you don't
get some concept of the beat, DJing would be difficult," says Hanscom.
The technical skills needed to operate the equipment can be learned from
an expert. Or you must be "very good at following written instructions from
the manual," says Hanscom.
Tobias says DJing is a craft. "A good DJ is an artist and it is an art
form," he explains. You must be able to listen carefully, pick out good vinyl
and have nimble fingers. You need a sense of the music. That means understanding
what will make people dance, or think, or react.
"You must be a self-promoter, but one with integrity and honesty. You've
got to be a loner, someone who can practice for hours alone. You've got
to be able to save money in order to afford all the gear and records. You've
got to be able to hold down another job," says Tobias.
According to Tobias, DJing is growing in popularity. "It is doing so because
more people see more DJs and understandably want to do it. And because many
major corporations are trying to cash in on what was an underground art form
and movement," says Tobias.
Brian Graham of Tennessee has noticed more people conversing on the
newsgroup. "It seems there are more and more people who are interested in
this field," he says.
Getting Started
So how many records or CDs do you need to begin? Probably only a few. But
once you get hooked, you may find yourself owning thousands of records.
Tobias owns about 16 crates, with each holding about 200 records. "A large
collection can easily approach 30,000 records," he says. Imports cost up to
$20 and domestics cost $4, he says.
Add to that the price of equipment, which can be in the thousands of dollars.
"You can start with two direct drive turntables, two DJ needles or cartridges,
a cheap two-channel mixer, headphones, speakers and an amp," says Tobias.
Morgan recommends a pair of good cartridges, even when you start out. "They
run about $100 a piece, and...they can seriously extend the life of your vinyl."
You can upgrade equipment later. The preferred industry-standard decks
run about $1,000. And a decent mixer is about $500-plus, says Morgan.
Beware, though. Thundering sound systems can damage the ears. "The best
way to avoid this is to bring some earphones. And turn down the volume in
the headphones when you can," says Morgan.
Hanscom says there are dangers associated with high-power electronics.
"Do not use standing in water or in rain," she advises.
The equipment also can be heavy. So she recommends proper lifting technique,
as well as a cart to move gear. "Do not carry [the equipment] without wheels,
if possible."
Many DJs get money for their ability. For Hanscom, it is a full-time business,
as it is for Graham. Morgan and Tobias both do gigs that pay money, but they
do not DJ for money.
The experts recommend that you try it with someone else's equipment
to see if you like it before investing in expensive decks, mixer boards, amplifiers
and microphones.
"You can learn on home equipment somewhat, especially if you have two CD
players. The above equipment is necessary for professional applications. Home
gear won't withstand the abuse and is not powerful enough," says Hanscom.
Richard LeBlanc first learned on his cousins' gear before investing
in his own. "I went to help them out for free every chance I had, and I had
a lot of fun. That's what inspired me to go off and buy my gear and start
myself." The DJ now owns his own equipment that totals a little under $10,000.
For those just starting out, Morgan recommends patience and practice.
Add passion to that, too. "Buy one old turntable. Buy some records. Now
think about what you are doing. Are you really enjoying this music? Do you
want to live it? Do you want to spend your life savings on it? Does your mind
and soul ache for the music that can burn within?" says Tobias.
Off Its Face: DJ Database
Plenty of links to DJs, magazines and radio and Internet stations
Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences
Make more out of your love of sound
Check out the library section, where you can watch real player
videos to learn about beat and timing
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