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Floral Arranger

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Martha Stewart's a bona fide pro, but anybody can become a flower arranger with a little time and patience.

Floral arrangers combine artistic flair and a green thumb to create stunning displays that look like a professional job. So get out your vases, scissors and floral tape and start arranging!

Arranging flowers may sound simple, but there is more to it than just throwing some flowers in a vase. As flowers are becoming more and more popular, people are taking more care in how they are displayed. Sometimes, they turn their hobby into a profitable business.

People of all ages and abilities can get involved in flower arranging since it is fairly simple and can be done at home with relatively little cost.

Since beautiful bouquets and flower arrangements can be shown off in many different types of vases and containers, you probably already have most of the supplies around your house.

When getting started, as with most things, it is best to keep things as simple and inexpensive as possible. Use containers that you already have at home, use flowers from your own garden, and get inspiration and instruction from library books.

However, if you really get into this hobby, there are definitely a few supplies you'll want to keep on hand:

  • flowers (of course!)
  • greens (like fern leaves)
  • foam
  • floral flood solution
  • floral tape
  • scissors
  • containers (anything from antique tea pots to simple glass jars)
  • ribbons and other accessories

All of these items can range from very cheap to quite expensive, depending on the kind of arrangement you want to do and what flowers you want to use: fresh, dried or silk, or roses, orchids or carnations. Visit your local florist or garden center to get a better idea regarding supplies and costs.

Another place to find out more information on floral arranging is online. Tons of step-by-step instructions can be found for free on the Internet. Do a search on floral arranging or start off by checking out some of the sites listed below.

Many people become hooked on floral arranging and decide to do it full time. There are schools where you can learn all the tricks of the trade, from basic arranging to opening your own business.

However, before you plunk down hundreds of dollars on tuition, consider the many floral arranging courses that are often offered through community centres.

So you've invested a couple of dollars, have your supplies and an idea in mind, but still need some tips on how to get started -- you've come to the right place!

Getting Started

Flower arrangements can be shown off in many different types of vases and containers. The possibilities are endless -- from an antique teapot or brass urn to an elegant crystal vase or a simple glass jar. Avoid containers made of steel or iron.

Make sure your vase is leak-proof, and has a neck and water reservoir large enough for your flowers to fit comfortably.

For some flower arrangements, you may also want to use a brick of floral foam -- a substance that, when saturated, holds flowers in place.

Be sure to soak your foam in water containing a floral flood solution. Let the foam absorb water at its own rate. Cut it to fit the shape of your container, leaving enough space for reserve water. Floral foam cuts easier when wet.

If your flowers don't stand up, it could be that your vase is too short for your flowers, or your flowers are too tall for your vase! A good rule of thumb: the height of your vase should be about half as tall as your flowers.

Build a grid across the top of your vase with clear tape. Then place the flowers in the grid.

If you've cut your flowers too short, don't worry. Just add pebbles or marbles to the bottom of your vase, or simply float the head of a broken flower in a clear bowl for an attractive display.

To avoid "spill over" when watering your flowers, use a baster to reach into narrow vases and full arrangements.


An Introduction to Flower Arranging
Information for beginning floral arrangers

History of Ikebana (Japanese Flower Arranging)
Tons of info, photos and instructions on the art of ikebana

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